Tuesday, March 26, 2013

What happens when I can't sleep??

It's around 2 in the morning and I absolutely cannot sleep
( green tea and chocolate bars earlier in the day yum!)

So what do I do????

Started drawing portraits of Patrick and Dan from the Black Keys and messing around with photoshop....sooo here's what it looks like XD

Monday, March 25, 2013

Newest painting!

Kimono + Punk leather jacket = Clash Culture :D

Here's the sketch...

And here's the final version!!....

Who's Geisha does this Kimono belongs to??

I made the patches using fabric paint and felt, and for the studs, I had to order them online.
Oh and The Misfits patch glows in the dark :3. The painting is approx. 35.5" by 23.70", it took me a long time to finish it (procrastination lol), but I am very pleased by the way it looks. ^o^

Friday, February 15, 2013

Album Cover Commission!!!

I finally got a change to do an album cover for my friend's band "The Lightfighters". 
I am also going to show you the process I went thru, from a plain blank paper to the finished project .
Enjoy! :)

Step 1. Sketch!

Step 2. render and shade with graphite

 Step 3. Paint and contour with micron pen! 

 Step 4. Add more colors on the glass and in the background

 Step 5. Photoshop the image to make it more saturated and add name
ANDD Final touch!

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

The Black Keys T-shirt!

Another band that I really like is The Black Keys, and one of my favorite album from them is " The Big Come up", but I couldn't find a t-shirt with the album cover on it. So F*** it! I'm gonna paint my own! :D

I also decided to paint on the back the song list, so it's interesting in the back and the front :)

